Grace Living
Peace of God (2)
This was the peace Jesus said he was going to leave with believers. However, this would become available upon his resurrection. And when he was raised, he declared it to his disciples (Luke 24:36; John […]
This was the peace Jesus said he was going to leave with believers. However, this would become available upon his resurrection. And when he was raised, he declared it to his disciples (Luke 24:36; John […]
John 14:27 NASB “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be […]
One of the most intriguing stories of the Old Testament Scripture is Jacob’s dream of Genesis 28. He saw a “ladder” from the earth to heaven upon which angels were ascending and descending. You would […]
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