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My name is Ugochukwu “Ugo” Odimba. I am the author of this blog, coretruth.org, and the book, First Truth: No Man had seen God. My passion is to see people come to the complete knowledge of the unmixed gospel of Christ and delivered from the shackles of religion, superstition, and materialism.
I have a multidisciplinary background with degrees in sciences, finance, and information technology. I trained with Rhema Bible Training Centre, Nigeria where I obtained Diploma in Theology, and also studied with the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies where I was awarded with Associate Scholar, Master of Hebraic Context of the Bible, and also Associate Scholar, Master of Linguistic Context of the Bible.
Coretruth.org is an online community where we share about the boundless love of God, the new covenant, and the identity of the believer in Christ. The objectives include to:
- Reach everyone, everywhere with the true gospel of Christ
- Build a community of believers that are grounded and established in the grace of God
- Inspire believers to study the Scripture, labour in prayer, and lead a life of service; and
- Equip believers to be able to rightly divide the word of truth, and dispense the message of the new covenant accurately and without mixture.
We believe that the core truth of the gospel of Jesus sets us from the bondage into the glorious liberty that God wrought for us in Christ. Furthermore, it is our firm conviction that this knowledge would bring the believer to the full stature of Christ.
Finally, we invite you to freely comment on the posts and to ask questions on any message you may have come across that you need more clarity on. Together, we shall be sharing the truth of God’s word that sets us free and establishes our heart in the grace of God.
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